The Sojo Show
The Sojo Show makes Bible Study fun with spontaneous conversations between Arabah Joy and Jen Evangelista. Together we discover how the study of God's Word can impact our everyday lives.
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The Sojo Show
The Sojo Eras: A Bible Study Journey Over the Years
How did Sojo Academy evolve its Bible study topics to meet the changing needs of its members? Journey with us on the Sojo Show as we reminisce about the various eras of spiritual growth and transformation we've navigated since 2019.
In this special episode, Jen and AJ offer a detailed walkthrough of our journey, breaking down each era's unique focus and how it can enhance your spiritual walk today. You'll get a sneak peek into our mega bundle of Bible studies, designed to foster spiritual growth through every season of life. W
hether you're looking to stand firm in your faith amidst a changing world, explore deep spiritual disciplines, or find new ways to study the Bible, this episode is your guide to the rich tapestry of topics we've covered over the years.
Join us to discover how these diverse studies can help you grow closer to God and strengthen your faith journey.
Read about ALL the Eras here: sojohub.com/bonus119
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Welcome to the Sojo Show with Jen and AJ, where you'll dig deep into God's Word alongside two imperfect, frequently ineloquent women, as we discover fresh ways to walk out God's truth together.
Speaker 2:Well, hello everybody, welcome back to the Sojo Show. This episode is going to be a little bit different from our normal episode because we are going to share a little bit of the history in Sojo Academy and kind of the eras we have gone through to borrow a term in our Bible study topics and our writing. So if you are just wondering what is inside our Sojo Academy ultimate I don't know what is it called Ultimate Bible study?
Speaker 1:mega bundle. We've called it many things.
Speaker 2:Mega blowout sale.
Speaker 1:I don't even know what to call it. It's a big. It's a big.
Speaker 2:It's a big sale, it's a big the big bundle of Bible studies that we have going on right now, and if you want to know what exactly is in it, then stick around, because we're going to share just a really brief, quick overview of all you get inside.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we're going to get through our errors. Just we broke this down. We thought it was kind of fun to break down because we've been doing this for so long, and so we're just going to quickly pop through them. The first one we and we called it was in 2019. And it's actually the first about six months or so and it was we call it the early years. How about that? For creative and this was foundation of spiritual growth. They focused the studies focused on different aspects of spiritual growth, like discipline, being disciplined for the gain of godliness, spiritual friendships, like being disciplined for the gain of godliness, spiritual friendships, putting God first. In the book of Haggai, just an overview of the gospel and the glorious gospel and women of the word.
Speaker 2:The next era that we did was on spiritual growth through the spiritual disciplines, because, as we know, spiritual disciplines are important to our spiritual growth. So we talked about cultivating some of those hidden disciplines that most people will never see us do in our lives, and we have a study on that inside our bundle. We also have a study on disciplines of the godly woman, and some of those are disciplines that other people do say see on the outside, like corporate worship and our Bible study and our prayer, and so this is really these studies are where you're really going to hone in and cultivate your habits for spiritual growth.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the next era. We aptly named the crisis era and you can pretty much guess when this started, and this started at the beginning or in the spring of 2020, during the pandemic. And this era was we really nailed down and we honed in on the emphasis of the sovereignty of God, his character and our responses to it. We talked about historical women, their responses, biblical women, a lot of biographical studies at this point, joseph, and we looked at some of the books of the Bible that helped us to get through this crisis era.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And then, following up to the crisis era, we did our stand your ground era because, as you know, the world changed after 2020. And so we entered a time where we could really focus on being light in the darkness. And so these include things like becoming Bible ready, the study of James, living complete in Christ, proclaiming Christ, with a study on the book of Colossians being not ashamed, living rooted in the gospel. We also looked at the book of Ruth, some minor prophets. So just a lot. We packed a lot into this era to help us stand firm to help us stand firm.
Speaker 1:Yeah, In 2022, we moved into more of a spiritual formation era where we emphasized the practical application of the biblical principles that we had been learning. So we really wanted to stand firm in the gospel in 2021. In 2022, we kind of transitioned to what that actually means for us cultivating confidence, understanding what second Timothy means for us, how to battle depression and anxiety. This was a big part of it because in 2022, we were still in the post pandemic era, but we needed to know how to deal with this practically. So so that we looked at Proverbs this year, so we really dug down into some practical applications in 2022.
Speaker 2:Yes, and then we moved into what we call our Bible study method era, and so during this era, we were intentional about looking at different ways to study the same passage. So we use a variety of topical study methods, chapter analysis, book study approaches, and we combine them all into these studies. And so we looked at Romans 8. We looked at the book of Nehemiah, we looked at finding your God-given purpose, and again, that was a topical study on a concept we found in the book of Nehemiah. We did a study on Esther, galatians, the law and the prophets, and then Joshua being strong and courageous. Just so so much good stuff in that era.
Speaker 1:Yeah, finally, I do want to share the era that we are currently in, because this is something that we hope that you will consider joining us in this era.
Speaker 1:So, these previous eras and again, we use them loosely and kind of for fun, but they did follow somewhat of a pattern, and those Bible studies you can find in the Bible study bundle that we are selling at sojoacademycom slash mega.
Speaker 1:Then, if you want really a community of women who have gone beyond Bible study, we are now in our Sojo Strong era, and that started in 2024, where we started really looking at Sojo as a spiritual growth community, which it's always been, but even more so. We're going to be doing this. We are going to be focusing on more than Bible study although Bible study is still a foundational component and obviously we know that it is how God speaks to us primarily but beyond that, we are going to really focus in on understanding the Word of God in a big swath in the last few months of Sojo and being in community with one another and becoming Sojo strong, becoming the women of God that we are meant to be through Christ, and we're excited about this. We're excited to be in the middle of this era and we're excited about what is coming for Sojo Academy and we really would love for you to join us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we absolutely would, because, guys, you know, we want to live our lives well, we want a well-lived life, and we can't do anything about the days that are past, the years that are past, but we can do something about the days and years ahead of us, right? And so that's what we are here to do, and years ahead of us, right? And so that's what we are here to do, and that's what our community is here to support you in. So we would love to have you join and be a part of this community.
Speaker 1:Yeah, have an awesome day and we'll see you inside Sojo and let us know if you have any questions.
Speaker 2:Bye. Guys, bye.