The Sojo Show
The Sojo Show makes Bible Study fun with spontaneous conversations between Arabah Joy and Jen Evangelista. Together we discover how the study of God's Word can impact our everyday lives.
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The Sojo Show
Building a Stronger Faith: Key Lessons from Sojo Academy
Ever felt the struggle between worry and worship? Join us on this heartfelt episode of the Sojo Show where AJ and Jen reminisce over nearly six years of amazing Bible studies from Sojo Academy.
We talk about the value of investing in truthful resources, hint at exciting upcoming plans, and share a few laughs about the technical challenges of recording.
Join us for a blend of heartfelt reflection, spiritual insight, and humorous moments as we navigate these enriching topics together.
Get your 50 Bible Studies bundle here: sojoacademy.com/mega
Read the Full Show Notes: sojohub.com/mega117
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Sojo Academy is an ongoing membership for Christian women that provides a practical, streamlined, spiritual growth plan for every woman.
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Welcome to the Sojo Show with Jen and AJ, where you'll dig deep into God's Word alongside two imperfect, frequently ineloquent women, as we discover fresh ways to walk out God's truth together. Hello, welcome to the Sojo Show. I am here alongside AJ and she's actually in the dark.
Speaker 2:I actually scared her. We are recording this on Zoom and I scared her when I came on.
Speaker 1:What is happening?
Speaker 2:So if we have time we will put a little blooper of that in a visual for you guys yeah, we should make a quick screenshot, quick screenshot, are you ready?
Speaker 1:yeah, sure, I mean like any cheese should I do sure. Okay, so I will post that somewhere because it's like okay I told her I was her worst nightmare reappearing.
Speaker 2:It was so scary.
Speaker 1:So we're here together. We're going to skip the early nonsense because I'm sure we'll have nonsense throughout, and we're going to jump right in. So, aj, do you want to tell the masses that have been awaiting?
Speaker 2:this episode what we're going to do. Yeah, I'm sure everybody has been waiting on bated breath, but I will say before we make the announcement, I will say that we've been working really hard behind the scenes and that's one of the reasons why we haven't dropped a podcast episode every week like we normally have been doing. For the past what two and a half years almost, we've been working really hard behind the scenes. So today we get to give you a little sneak peek of what that has been and we're kind of kicking it off with something fun. So today we are going to review some of our favorite studies that we have written inside Soja Academy, and actually we should probably back up a little bit and say how many studies we've written over the past however many years.
Speaker 1:So we've been doing this now for almost six years. We are coming up on six years. Can you believe that? First of all, and as far as Sojo Academy and so, we've written a study every single month so you can do the math on that and so we have about 60 to 65 studies, I believe, in total, and it has been an incredible, an incredible journey, and some of the studies come really easy for us and some are not as easy to write, and so we thought that we would take the opportunity to kind of look back at these. And now, don't worry, if you're listening and you're like, oh, you know, this is not going to apply to me, it will, because our prayer is that, as we think through the truths that we studied over the last few years just a few it will inspire you to go and look in God's word for yourself.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because, as we've written all of these studies and we've reflected on some of those things that we've learned, that's what makes a good study a good study right Is when you really hear something from the Lord and you get something to apply to your life. And so those are the highlights we're going to be sharing today, which is I can't wait to hear what you have to share, Jen, because I'm sure yours are different than mine, and it'll just be fun.
Speaker 1:And I will be honest with you. We first started doing this. We were just going to pick our favorite study.
Speaker 2:That's way too hard. 65 studies. I was like, no, no, that's way too hard, I can't do that.
Speaker 1:So we did narrow it down to three, three each, so we're going to pop through them very quickly, but again, I want you to listen to these, not because we wrote them and not because we think the studies are that great, but because we know that the truth we uncover through reading God's word by doing these studies is what is life transforming? It does transform lives when we hear from God and that's why we're looking at it. Okay, are you ready? Do you have yours? I can, I can. I got one. Okay, go ahead.
Speaker 1:So the the first that came to my mind, which is really, really interesting, because it is not one of the ones that we often highlight, like we're really. We often highlight the armor of God, study, battle ready, and the anxiety study, which is so applicable right now, and some of the women of the word studies. So we highlight those a lot and and those are important studies. But the one study that came to my mind when I thought of what, what, what may be, my favorite is one called it's actually titled it, oh Lord, how Long and it was a study on the book of Habakkuk. So Habakkuk was one of the minor prophets. It's a tiny little book, so it was really easy to study and I could not believe that we squeezed a whole month out of this tiny little book and had room and we could have even done more.
Speaker 1:But Habakkuk really I relate to him a lot because he's a complicated character. Right, he was a whiner, a gumballainer he was, but he had a lot of concerns and he took them to God, right. And what happened was, we see in this book he went from really worry and burden to the end result of worship and praise. So it was not a neat and tidy story, but because of this story we saw him transform. It reminds us that we too can do that. It touches on the sovereignty of God and the concept of waiting on God and trusting in God, and even when we're in the middle of confusion. So, all that to say, I'm often sitting where Habakkuk was. Now, obviously, his complaints were actually more righteous than mine because he had real, true concern for his people, and my complaints often are not as righteous. But the point being, god is faithful, he is good, he is sovereign, and to see Habakkuk's transformation inspires me.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, that was probably one of my very favorite studies. Yeah, yeah, I remember that study too, and it is always interesting to do an Old Testament book study, because you really don't hear a lot about the Old Testament and you don't really do like those verse by verse studies typically of Old Testament books, and so that one was really an interesting one to walk through.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:On the flip side. One of my favorites was our book study of Galatians and I think a couple really strong things stood out to me. I mean, honestly, the whole book is just so, so good. And Paul really just he's a heavy hitter in this book. He doesn't pull any punches, he just says it like it is. And it's so refreshing because a lot of times we don't hear truth just so clearly stated as he does in Galatians.
Speaker 2:But one of the things that I loved was the call to be free from people pleasing. And in Galatians 1, right out of the gate, first chapter of Galatians, in verse 10, he says am I now seeking the approval of men or of God? Am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. And right from the get-go he says okay, you're going to have to choose who you're going to serve. Are you going to please God or are you going to be a servant of Jesus Christ? You have to make that choice and that is just so relevant to all of us today. We have to choose. Are we going to follow the culture? Are we going to kind of like, put one ear to the culture and one ear to God and try to ride the fence here. Or are we going to say I am not pleasing men, that is not my goal. I am turning from that aim in my life and I'm going to pursue being a servant of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:So it just was timely for me and it's always timely for me, and I think it's always timely for others. Timely for me and it's it's always timely for me and I think it's always timely for others. The other thing that really stood out to me in this book was that Peter was in sin and Paul called him out on it and just how he did that and how he confronted someone who was in a position of leadership who was not being faithful to the gospel of Christ. It just really encouraged me to stand firm and not to be like confrontational with people, but that it's okay to call sense in, and I think giving ourselves permission to do that is something we really need to hear in our day and age. So it was just overall, definitely one of my favorites.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, and you know, and as we talked about these first two, I mean it's what really strikes me is how different they are. Obviously, the, the minor prophet, the epistle Paul, these, these, these books of the Bible are so different. They were written completely different times, completely different people, but yet how applicable they both are and the entire canon of scripture is to our lives today, and how beautiful that is that the Holy Spirit, you know that God gave us, that. The Holy Spirit inspired this writing for us today, and so there's nothing stale about this, about this, these writings, and the scripture and the beauty of God's word and as it hit you in that particular time, so does scripture hit us all when we take time to be in the word. So I love that option and Galatians is definitely timely. I love that option and Galatians is definitely timely, and I'm so encouraged and so thankful that God's word is living and active, right, so that's a good one.
Speaker 1:My second one was I had a little bit of a toss up Because one year in 2023, we did like combo studies, so Galatians was part of that, because we did Galatians and then we did a study on the law and the promise, which was kind of in that and then also in that year we did Romans 8, studying Romans 8, which may be the greatest chapter in the Bible. It was one of those just mountaintop peak kind of every single verse is powerful, and so we had that. But then we did this counter study not counter, but this, what would you call it Companion. There we go A companion study on and it was called Revealed and that was where we took 10 Old Testament narratives and stories and we compared them to Romans 8, basically, and how we can see Christ in the Old Testament, the first story being the bronze serpent.
Speaker 1:And really the reason that I'm bringing this up is because it's such a good reminder of how the Old Testament points to Christ and in that particular story that first one, the bronze serpent, obviously is a type of Christ and typology, the study of typology and types of Christ, is so powerful to our understanding of the word. And so throughout that particular study we did that 10 different times with 10 different Old Testament narratives and we compared them to different things in the New Testament, but in particular to Romans 8. And I just think anytime we can connect the truth of the Old Testament and the New and in our minds and in our brains and our hearts. It helps us to understand our powerful and beautiful God more so. That was my number two.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, kind of along those same lines. My number two would be the study we did on Joshua. So I think we went through the first seven chapters of Joshua, because Joshua is pretty more it's, it's. It extends beyond four weeks or a month.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes.
Speaker 2:We just took the first seven chapters and that was really impactful to me, because One of the things I see over and over again in Joshua is not just the command to be strong and courageous, but this idea of courage coming from your weakness and God asking us to be weak. So and one of the examples of this is circumcision Right, and one of the examples of this is circumcision right. So when God caused the Israelites, he parted the waters, they crossed through the Jordan River and, immediately before sending them into battle, he asked all of the men to be circumcised. And here they were, the whole, entire army, completely weak and incapacitated in the land of their enemies, and this was the very beginning of their journey into the promised land.
Speaker 2:And how powerful of a picture is that? Because God has given us vast promises and yet the only way we can claim any of those promises and possess them is when we walk in obedience to him and we allow our weakness to become his strength. And it just is such a beautiful picture to me and I just remember that day of the study or that week of the study where we walked through that chapter. It was so humbling and empowering, honestly, because a lot of times you know the world tells us. You know, be strong. You know you deserve this, go after it. Like, put your all into this. And yet the way of the Lord is meekness, and Christ models that. You know. If we look at Christ in the Old Testament, we see how all of these things point to him and how he lived that life of meekness. You know he laid down his life for an eternal win for millions of people throughout all of time, and so patterning our lives after that was just a real challenge to me once we walked through that study. It was very impactful.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think we did an entire episode on that. Yeah, I think we did a podcast episode on on the circumcision and I, and, and I felt the same way it was. It was one of those unusual parts of the story. Until you understand the meaning behind it, right, once you understand, once you come to not just read it for you, you know just what it is. But for the message and what it is what God was teaching his people and what he teaches us, it becomes completely new and different and beautiful. So, yeah, yeah, I love that. Okay, so my number three I, I again this was so hard.
Speaker 2:It was very hard hard.
Speaker 1:It's very hard because there's so many great studies. I mean I thought about maybe we, maybe we should use um you know the story of um Esther or the story of Ruth, which we studied, both of those and they were deep, rich, beautiful studies. We went through Genesis, we went through we just went through a lot, but what I finally decided to bring up was a study that's a little bit off the beaten path. So normally my favorite studies are expositional studies, where you're going through books or you're going through passages, and this particular study was not that way. This was more of a topical study, but it was so gospel saturated that I have to choose it because it was a little bit different. And it was the study that we called the gospel in hymns, and it was back in 2022.
Speaker 1:And hymns are just a special genre of music that not everyone appreciates, and I did not appreciate when I was younger. But when I dive into these beautiful hymns I see the richness of the gospel. And so in this study we talked about, we used a hymn every day. We talked about what do I bring to salvation, what does God bring to salvation, how do I respond to that and who is God to me now and we use the hymns as examples to answer those questions. And then we took the hymns as springboards into the scripture. So it was a really, really fun study to write because it was a little bit off the beaten path. But I was super encouraged by the deep, rich truth that was found in these hymns, because it's not just the words that somebody wrote, that the hymn writer wrote, they're all founded in the Word of God. So that is where we tethered the lines of the hymn with scripture and it became a powerful study for me.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I really like that study too, because we talked about the authors of these hymns and how their lives reflected the theology that they were writing about in these songs. And it really is beautiful, especially when someone has you know their life was well-lived, like it's over and done. They didn't like crash at the last minute, which we all have the potential of doing, that it's like until you're finished, there's still life ahead of you. So just knowing that these people ran their races well and this is the theology that they held to to get them to that finish line, it was really, really encouraging just to see that.
Speaker 1:So that's true. It was somewhat of a biographical study too for these historical figures. So, even though you know the, the the authors themselves, of course, were not in the Bible the, the faith was encouraging, yeah, yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, very true. So, as you said, it was really really hard to choose and, honestly, like, there's a couple studies that I really love. I love the hidden habits, or the path less traveled. I love that one because it really looks at some of those habits that we are to cultivate as Christian women that we often don't talk about. It's like not the Bible study and the prayer habits we got those down but, like some of those hidden ones, I also really loved the fresh start study that we did on like how to just make a clean start and really allow God to empower your choices.
Speaker 2:But, I had to settle on the Lord why I really liked this one. And it is because the very first word of the Lord's prayer really opened my mind to the importance of corporate prayer, Because the Lord's prayer starts with the word are O-U-R. Are? It's plural, it's not my father which are in heaven, and he doesn't say give me this day my daily bread. It's give us this day our daily bread, Forgive us our trespasses. And so just the plurality of the language in the Lord's Prayer really made me start thinking. You know how? What was Jesus conveying when he said this? And there's an element to prayer that has to be corporate. You know, there has to be that aspect of us as believers coming together, united around exalting the name of God, hallowing, honoring his name, asking for his kingdom to come in our lives and in our world, Like that is not something we do solo. Yes, it is something we need to do solo, but not just solo.
Speaker 2:There needs to be a corporate aspect to prayer. And it's right there, it's demonstrated. It's like you can't avoid it. When you really look at word by word, verse by verse of scripture, you can't unsee that you know. So that was a really powerful study for me as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, we have several studies that focus on prayer because of how important that is and how misunderstood that is and and I think and I think we as believers tend to not we don't always have a right understanding of prayer.
Speaker 1:So we do have several, we have several podcast episodes and studies on that and this particular study was we were able to really kind of dig down into this kind of dig down into this very, very famous, popular everybody can probably say it out loud this prayer that we all know, but we're able to understand a little more when we really dive into it more.
Speaker 1:So that was really powerful and it's also a great example of a familiar passage or familiar parts of the Bible that sometimes we overlook when we study because we think, oh, we know it, but when we in fact, you know, back at the beginning I was talking about how God's Word is living and active and it teaches us something all the time when we go back and we humble ourselves to study those parts that we feel like we have, we have, you know, reviewed and read and studied over and over again how faithful God is to teach us new things, and that's a great example of that, that study. I, I love that and it's, it's a convicting and humbling study, because we all have I mean, maybe you don't if you're listening to me, but most of us have plenty of room to grow in these spiritual disciplines, and this one in particular.
Speaker 2:So yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely, and, and you know, and that's the thing too. It's yeah, absolutely, and, and you know, and that's the thing too, it's. It's just Bible study isn't just about accumulating head knowledge of the Bible. It's about even just taking one concept like that and implementing it into our lives. Like that is really the goal of Bible study is to allow God to speak to us and to shape our lives, to commune with him and then to obey what it is he's showing us to do. And you know, I don't know about you, but like it takes me some time to shape my life around those things that I'm learning in scripture. It's not like, okay, a one and done. It's like, okay, let me practice this, and then I fail, and then I practice again and maybe I get a little bit better and I practice again. It's kind of like learning how to ride a bike and obedience is like that and it's okay. That's okay. That's part of the process of being transformed and being sanctified.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, a hundred percent. So we have a couple of reasons for this, for this podcast, and and I I think we have three pieces of of homework or three things to think of, as I was, as we were thinking of this, and you may have more, but the first thing that comes to mind when we're talking about these is I would love for you to use these as a springboard for your own study. These passages of scripture that we've been kind of talking about and that have meant a lot to us, and we would love to see you. If nothing else, all you need is to open the Word of God and read them and study them for yourself. Okay, that is what is the most important thing. But we also, I'm reminded that it's a good idea to do these with other people, and we did all these studies with our membership, our Sojo Academy membership, and as we were talking about them, I distinctly remember women. I see their faces as they are talking to us and we're talking to them about what we're learning in God's word, and so that is a critical part of this, and we would love for you to be part of that going forward in the future. So we'll, we would love for you to be part of Sojo.
Speaker 1:And then the third reason we're bringing this up is because we have an offer. I hate to use the word offer, but it is. It's a it's it's an offer that we've never done before and we'll never do again. And this is the time if you're listening to us, relatively soon after this podcast episode airs, for you to jump on it. So I don't know, do you want to bring it? Do you want to mention it?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think we should, because honestly, it's really too good not to let you guys know about it. We have decided that we're doing things a little bit differently in Sojo Academy in the way we structure our Bible studies. And just really quick, as a backstory to that, in this year that we're recording this is August 2024, this year so far we have really tried to be more of a discipleship slash, spiritual growth formation community instead of just a Bible study community, and we've always been that. We meet together every single week. We have more of a life-on-life approach to Bible study community and we've always been that. We meet together every single week. We have more of a life-on-life approach to Bible study. But this year we've really leaned into that even more, and so we've learned a lot of things over the past eight months of doing this, and what we have decided going forward is that we want to lean into that even more, and so we're going to be changing the structure of the way we do things in Sojo Academy slightly, and it's kind of left us with a big question mark as to okay, well, we've done all of these Bible studies in this one format for the past five and a half years. What are we gonna do with all of these studies that we just talked about All 60, whatever of them and we decided that we really want to allow whoever wants them to have access to them.
Speaker 2:And so we have bundled 50 of our Bible studies, our previous Bible studies, together, and we are offering them basically for the price of one. We're pretty much giving them away. Now, we can't give them away for free because we can't afford to do that financially. It does cost us money to host them, to have the designer, blah, blah, blah. You guys all know that. But not only that, but we want you to put in a little bit of investment, because we know that if you pay for something, you actually will probably open it up on your computer and use them. If you don't, you're likely to just let it sit with all the other million things you've downloaded before. So we want you to get some valid use of these studies. And not only that, but for the very first time ever, we are also offering a group license to these studies. So, jen, you want to share a little bit about that.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So I also will say that this is an insane amount of Bible studies for an insanely low cost. Literally, it's just pretty much the cost for us to send you the email to give them to you. But the and we know that you will never in your whole lifetime go through all 50 studies and that's not that. Well, you might, but that's not the goal. Ok, these studies were month long studies each, so don't feel like, oh, I can never do this much, I don't need this much.
Speaker 1:The point of this is, and six studies that we discussed and all the extra ones that we kind of thought through, they're all in this bundle, just so you know. But even if you do one or two of these studies that interest you, you will 100% get your money's worth. So I just want to kind of throw that out there too. But what we'll do is after you purchase if you purchase the bundle I can't imagine why you wouldn't if you want to do even one of our studies but after you purchase that, you'll have the opportunity to also purchase a group license, and this group license we've never done before. So what we're going to do is we are going to give you the opportunity to purchase this license to use for up to 20 women in person in your church, in your small group, in your ladies Bible study.
Speaker 1:Now, this is not something for online groups and you cannot post the studies online, but this is powerful to gather together with a group of women in a coffee shop at your church, just you know. Maybe you're not doing this already, but you're feeling led to, maybe you are doing this and you need more resources. Every single one of the 50 studies will be available for you to use with your small group If you purchase this license and again, this is it will go. I promise it will go away once the bundle's over, this will go away and we will not be able to offer that again, but I think it's a great thing. I'm really excited about it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. And again, that license is going to be very reasonably priced and you get access to use all 50 of the studies. And, honestly, the reason why we have done this, why we decided to do this, is one of the pillars of our Sojo Strong Blueprint is empowered leadership. That's one of the traits that we want to develop in ourselves and in each one of our Sojo Academy members is to empower every woman, every Christian woman, to lead others, not necessarily like in a ministerial position, but just in imparting the gospel to those around her. And this is a way that we can do that. We can give you a study, we can give you license to use it in your small group with your grandkids or your kids and their friends, or whoever it is that you neighbors, whoever it is that you want to gather with. We want to empower you to do that, we want to make it easy, and so that's what we are hoping to do with this. I think invitation is a better word.
Speaker 1:And it's as simple as getting together and doing it together. You don't have to lead, you don't have to teach, you just have to say, okay, we're going to all do you know week number one, and get back together and let's discuss it. And that is the power of God's word is. It brings people together, and this would be a great opportunity if you happen to be listening and you attend a church that maybe doesn't have an organized women's ministry, which I think is great. I think it's totally fine. I think that we can sometimes overdo women's ministry stuff. Honestly, that's a whole nother podcast. But the point is, if you're looking for resources and you trust AJ and I, which I hope you do, if you've listened this far into the podcast, then this would be a great opportunity for your, for maybe your church, to purchase or get together with a group of women and purchase together. So, anyway, it's just, it's just an offer. You're right, it's not offer invitation, it's an invitation. Yes, it's an offer. You're right, it's not an offer Invitation, it's an invitation, yes.
Speaker 2:It's an invitation.
Speaker 1:And we're excited to offer it and to invite you into this, and we hope that the gospel is far reaching because of it and goes beyond just us and beyond just those few that we can reach, but goes to those that, if everybody that purchases this bundle also reaches out to 20 other women and you go through even one of these studies, even one book of the Bible, it's just, it multiplies and it becomes such a beautiful thing and it becomes such a beautiful thing.
Speaker 2:Exactly, there's a real grassroots growth potential here If you just take one of the resources we're offering and invite. Even it doesn't have to be 20 people, it could be a group of two people, four or five yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah and just say, okay, we're just humbly going to expect God to show up as we open his word. That's all it takes, that's all we've done, like we're nothing special, that's all we've done. And and God does show up, and I really think that he just has a special ear for women. I really do. I think he's got a special ear because he made us so unique and he just he longs to show himself strong on our behalf. So, okay, so I just have to throw this out here because this came to mind.
Speaker 1:So we're getting probably long-winded in this too.
Speaker 2:So I know well, this, this is it. This is really quick, I promise Okay.
Speaker 2:I have a lot of books in my house and I have a lot of Bible resources and I've been collecting them ever since I've been married for 30 years. So my husband told me it's okay if we have books because there's a Proverbs in the book of Proverbs I don't know the reference. I need to look this up. You guys can look it up on your own that says buy the truth and sell it, not on your own. That says buy the truth and sell it not. So if you need permission to buy a resource like this to invest in yourself, there you have it.
Speaker 1:You have a Proverbs. Okay, there you go.
Speaker 2:Buy the truth and sell it not. I mean, the Proverbs really is saying truth is valuable, it's worth your investing in. So yeah, there you go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so we. So we invite you to. There'll be a link somewhere in this podcast because when this goes live, the sale will be live. So we invite you to take advantage of the invitation. We also invite you to join us in Sojo Academy, because we are not going away. Even though we are changing things, we are going to be more, more accountable to each other than ever. It is such a special group and if you need that accountability and a group of women, over the next four, over September to December, we're actually going to be going through the Old Testament how about them apples? In a special way. So we definitely encourage you to to join us for that as well, and we look forward to hearing from you again, I think maybe next week, or I think we've got another plan for next week, right?
Speaker 2:Yes, we do. We have a plan for next week and we're going to be revealing some other things and sharing a little bit more about what's in store for Sojo Academy through the rest of the year, so be sure to tune in then. Yeah, have a great day Bye.
Speaker 1:This episode is brought to you by Sojo Academy, an ongoing membership for Christian women that provides a practical, streamlined spiritual growth plan for every woman women that provides a practical, streamlined spiritual growth plan for every woman If we think we need the video. I'll go get ready.
Speaker 2:It just took me by surprise.
Speaker 1:I'm the dark shadow of your nightmare. It's like the interview where you don't want to have your identity.
Speaker 2:You're like deep throat.
Speaker 1:I don't know my lights on. I can tell. And your old back lip, you're so dark I can't even see your facial expressions.
Speaker 2:It's a good thing, because I have no mascara on right now, like I have nothing. I'm just, I'm literally running in. You feel like I?
Speaker 1:need to mascara on right now, like I have nothing. I'm just, I'm literally running in. You feel like I need to turn on my lights. I'm still brighter than you. Let's record in the dark.
Speaker 2:I'm at my kitchen table. This is like the only place I have to work. It's bad.
Speaker 1:It's really bad, I'm sorry. Okay. Well, it's okay, we'll'll get over it. We'll get through it. I just was cracking up when I you.